DIAMOND Europe Driver Updates
Drivers & Tools for: Stealth 64 Video 3xx0 Series (formerly named Stealth 64 Video VRAM)
Drivers for Win 95 (when NOT using Motion Video Player MVP 2000):
968gt325.exe (1,0 MB) For STEALTH 64 Video 3xx0: Win 95 GT Drivers v4.02.325 & ICT 4.02.147. SFX file. Note info 968GT325.txt! Requires one of the following BIOS versions: Stealth64 Video 3200: BIOS 1.06-1.09, 1.16-1.19, 2.06-2.08, 2.16 recommended. Stealth64 V
968gt325.txt (10 kB) Info for Win 95 GT drivers 4.02.325.
Drivers for Win 3.1x (when NOT using Motion Video Player MVP 2000):
968212a.exe (935 kB) STEALTH 64 VIDEO 3xx0 Serie: Disks "Win 3.1 Drivers" v2.12. Disk 1/2. SFX file. Note README.txt. Use it when NOT using the Motion Video Player 2000.
968212b.exe (723 kB) STEALTH 64 VIDEO 3xx0 Serie: Disks "Win 3.1 Drivers" v2.12. Disk 2/2. SFX file.
Drivers for Win 3.1x (when using Motion Video Player MVP 2000):
968214.txt (11 kB) STEALTH 64 VIDEO 3xx0 Serie: Info for Disks "Win 3.1 Drivers" v2.14.
968214a.exe (1,1 MB) STEALTH 64 VIDEO 3xx0 Serie: Disks "Win 3.1 Drivers" v2.14. Disk 1/2. SFX file. Note README.txt. Compatible with Motion Video Player 2000 Series.
968214b.exe (488 kB) STEALTH 64 VIDEO 3xx0 Serie: Disks "Win 3.1 Drivers" v2.14. Disk 2/2. SFX file.
Drivers for OS/2:
968osa.txt (5 kB) STEALTH 64 VIDEO 3xx0 Serie: Info for Disks "OS/2 2.1 & WARP Drivers" v1.01.
968osa.exe (813 kB) STEALTH 64 VIDEO 3xx0 Serie: Disks "OS/2 2.1 & WARP Drivers" v1.01. Disk 1/2. SFX file. Note README.S3.
968osb.exe (1,3 MB) STEALTH 64 VIDEO 3xx0 Serie: Disks "OS/2 2.1 & WARP Drivers" v1.01. Disk 2/2. SFX file. Note README.S3.
Additional Drivers for Motion Video Player 2000 Series:
mvp2k402.exe (1,3 MB) Motion Video Player 2000 Series: Drivers for Win 95 v4.02.000, rel.0197. SFX file. Please view MVP2K402.txt for important information.
mvp2k402.txt (13 kB) Info for MVP 2000 Win 95 drivers 4.02.000, rel.0197.
mvp221a.exe (1,1 MB) Motion Video Player 2000 series: Win 3.1x drivers v2.21. Disk 1/2. SFX file.
mvp221b.exe (510 kB) Motion Video Player 2000 series: Win 3.1x drivers v2.21. Disk 2/2. SFX file.
968d112.exe (929 kB) STEALTH 64 VIDEO 3xx0 Serie: Disk "Install/Utilities/DOS/NT/CAD" v1.12. SFX file. Note README.txt.
3000_106.rom (32 kB) STEALTH 64 VIDEO 3xx0, Rev.D7: BIOS v1.06 for EPROM burning. Only when recommended by our hotline.
vv_109d.rom (32 kB) STEALTH 64 VIDEO 3000 Rev.D7 (PCI): BIOS v1.09 for EPROM burning. Only when recommended by our hotline.
3000_207.rom (32 kB) STEALTH 64 VIDEO 3xx0, Rev.E3 (PCI) or D4 (VLB) or E1 (VLB): BIOS v2.07 for EPROM burning. Only when recommended by our hotline.
3000_300.rom (32 kB) STEALTH 64 VIDEO 3xx0 Rev.C2 (VLB): BIOS v3.00 for EPROM burning. Only when recommended by our hotline.
3000_301.rom (32 kB) STEALTH 64 VIDEO 3xx0 Rev.C7: BIOS v3.01 for EPROM burning. Only when recommended by our hotline.
vv_303.rom (32 kB) STEALTH 64 VIDEO 3000 Rev.C2 (VLB) or C7 (PCI) with IBM DAC only: BIOS v3.03 for EPROM burning. Only when recommended by our hotline.
3200_116.rom (32 kB) STEALTH 64 VIDEO 3200 Rev.D7 (PCI): BIOS v1.16 for EPROM burning. Only when recommended by our hotline.
vv_302a.rom (32 kB) STEALTH 64 VIDEO 3240 Rev.C2 (VLB) or C7 (PCI) with IBM DAC only: BIOS v3.02 for EPROM burning. Only when recommended by our hotline.
s3vbe311.zip (20 kB) For boards with S3 chip set only: S3's Universal VESA 2.0 drivers v3.11 (rel.1196).