DIAMOND Europe Driver Updates
Drivers & Tools for: DIAMOND Multimedia Kits
Windows 95 Drivers for Multimedia Kits:
mm929w95.exe (101 kB) OPTi 929 Windows 95 beta drivers. These drivers support the sound cards included with the Multimedia Kits 1000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, and some 7000 kits.
mm929w95.txt (9 kB) README.txt for MM929W95.exe
mm930w95.exe (99 kB) OPTI 930 Windows 95 beta drivers. These drivers support the sound cards included with the Multimedia Kit 7000. Installation Disk.
teac_w95.exe (44 kB) Teac CD-55A Windows 95 beta drivers. These drivers support the CD-ROM drivers that shipped with some of the Multimedia Kits 4000 and 5000.
teac_w95.txt (3 kB) README.txt for TEAC_W95.exe
stingray.exe (299 kB) MMKIT 8000: STRINGRAY's Win 95 drivers for 8xCD-ROM. Only when recommanded by our Tech Support. SFX file.
mztw95.exe (735 kB) Windows 95 driver rel.0296 for Sonic Sound LX (Oak Mozart chipset). Please note, this driver is from Oak Technologies and is not supported by Diamond Multimedia.
mztw95.txt (2 kB) README.txt for MZTW95.exe
OS/2 Drivers for Multimedia Kits:
mm929os2.exe (314 kB) OPTi 929 OS/2 WARP beta drivers v2.00.
mm930os2.exe (315 kB) OPTi 930 OS/2 WARP beta drivers v2.02.
12x_931.exe (884 kB) MMK 12X with Diamond 12x CD-ROM drive and OPTi 931 soundboard: OPTi 931 Drivers v1.00 for Win 3.1x & Win 95. Rel. 10/96.
12x_apps.exe (751 kB) MMK 12X with Diamond 12x CD-ROM drive and OPTi 931 soundboard: Willow Pond Apps Disk v1.00, rel. 10/96.
12x_cd.exe (178 kB) MMK 12X with Diamond 12x CD-ROM drive and OPTi 931 soundboard: Mitsumi 12X ATAPI driver disk v1.53, rel. 10/96.
8x_924_1.exe (1,3 MB) MMK 8000 with Diamond 8x CD-ROM drive and OPTI 924 soundboard: Installation Disk 1/2. Rel. 10/95.
8x_924_2.exe (470 kB) MMK 8000 with Diamond 8x CD-ROM drive and OPTI 924 soundboard: Installation Disk 2/2. Rel. 10/95.
8x_na.exe (933 kB) MMK 800 with Diamond 8x CD-ROM drive and an IDE interface card. Installation Disk v1.00.
tea_fm.exe (1,2 MB) Multimedia Kit 4000 & 5000 with Teac CD-55A 4x CD-ROM drive and the Opti 929 soundcard. Installationdisk 1.00 (06/95).
side_wt.exe (1,1 MB) MMK 7000 with the Sanyo CRD-254P 4x CD-ROM drive and the OPTI 929 + 2MB Wave Table sound card. Installation Disk.
tos_ess.exe (1,1 MB) MMK 4400 with Toshiba XM-5302B 4x CD-ROM drives and the ESS 1688 sound card. Installation Disk v1.00.
side_ess.exe (1,1 MB) MMK 4400 with Sanyo 4x CD-ROM drives and the ESS sound card. Installation Disk v1.00A.
pio_fm.exe (1,1 MB) MMK 3000-6000 with Pioneer DR-UA124X 4x CD-ROM drive and the OPTI 929 sound card. Installation Disk v1.02.
mit_fm.exe (1,0 MB) MMK 3000-6000 with Mitsumi FX-400 4x CD-ROM drive and the OPTI 929 sound ard. Installation Disk v1.00.
hit_930.exe (1,3 MB) MMK 7000 with Hitachi CDR-7730 4x CD-ROM drive and the OPTI 930 1MB Wave Table sound card. Installation Disk v1.00.
tos_fm.exe (1,1 MB) MMK 3000-6000 with Toshiba XM-5302B 4x CD-ROM drive and the OPTI 929 sound card. Installation Disk v1.00.
gs_fm.exe (1,1 MB) MMK 3000-6000 with Goldstar GCD-R540B 4x CD-ROM drive and the OPTI 929 sound card. Installation Disk v1.00.
hit_fm.exe (1,1 MB) MMK 3000-6000 with Hitachi CDR-7730 4X CD-ROM drive and the OPTI 929 sound card. Installation Disk v1.00.
dsnd10.exe (1,2 MB) OPTi 929: Windows 3.1x drivers v1.00. These drivers support the sound cards included with the Multimedia Kits 1000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, and some 7000 kits.
Sonic Sound LX:
s204op.exe (336 kB) Sonic Sound LX/Opti 92x revision: DOS/Win 3.x Install Disk v2.04(Op) for Opti928. SFX file.
lx240k.exe (700 kB) Sonic Sound LX/revision "K": DOS/Win 3.x Install Disk v2.40(K) for "K" revision. SFX file.
soniclx.exe (261 kB) Sonic Sound LX/all other revisions: DOS/Win 3.x Install Disk v1.12 for all revisions excluding rev "k" and "Opti". SFX file.
ssnd_1.exe (479 kB) DIAMOND SonicSound (jumpered version): Install Disk v1.00 (DOS/Win 3.1x). SFX file.
ssnd21.exe (748 kB) DIAMOND SonicSound (jumperless version): Install Disk v1.00 (DOS/Win 3.1x). SFX file. Disk 1/2.
ssnd22.exe (902 kB) DIAMOND SonicSound (jumperless version): Install Disk v1.00 (DOS/Win 3.1x). SFX file. Disk 2/2.
vidstr.exe (1,1 MB) DIAMOND Video Star/Video Star Pro: Install Disk/Win 3.1 Drivers v1.02. SFX file. SFX file.