m3d_105.exe (642 kB) Monster 3D: WIN 95 drivers v1.05, Rel. 0297. SFX file m3d_105.txt (13 kB) Info for M3D_105.exe
Tomb Raider (English) Patch. Link to Tomb Raider CORE Design LTD homepage. Patch for Tomb Raider retail version with Monster 3D support (3Dfx patch). English only, if installed over german version, you'll get a running version with English language support. More patches for games, supporting Monster 3D. Link to 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. m3dgame1.exe (60 kB) Monster 3D: List of Supporting Games/Liste der Spiele, die die MONSTER 3D untersttzen. SFX file: creates WinWord document (English/French/German). Rel.0297. monsterd.txt (3 kB) Product Information (German): MONSTER 3D. Rel.0297. monstere.txt (3 kB) Product Information (English): MONSTER 3D. Rel.0297.