DIAMOND Europe Driver Updates
Drivers & Tools for: FIRE GL 3000
(For SPEA FIRE GL please change to 'SPEA Series' - 'FIRE GL'!)
Installation disk: Necessary for all!
insgl3_3.exe (165 kB) FIRE GL 3000: Installation disk, rel. 0197. SFX file. This disk is required for each driver installation!
Drivers for Windows 95:
w95gl31a.exe (588 kB) Fire GL 3000: Disk 'Windows 95 drivers' v4.03.00.2101.0012 & ICT 4.03.094, rel. 0197, Disk 1/2. SFX-file. Copy all created files to an emtpy floppy. Requires 'Installation disk' (package INSGL3_3.exe)!
w95gl31b.exe (1,2 MB) Fire GL 3000: Disk 'Windows 95 drivers' v4.03.00.2101.0012 & ICT 4.03.094, rel. 0197, Disk 2/2. SFX-file. Copy all created files to an emtpy floppy. Requires 'Installation disk' (package INSGL3_3.exe)!
dx2gl31a.exe (1,2 MB) Fire GL 3000: Drivers 'DirectX 2 Runtime', rel. 0197, Disk 1/2. SFX File. Copy all created files to an empty floppy.
dx2gl31b.exe (408 kB) Fire GL 3000: Drivers 'DirectX 2 Runtime', rel. 0197, Disk 2/2. SFX File. Copy all created files to an empty floppy.
Drivers for Windows NT 4.0:
nt4gl3_3.exe (1,2 MB) FIRE GL 3000: Disk 'Windows NT 4.0 drivers' v2.71, rel. 0197. SFX file. Copy all created file to an empty floppy. Requires 'Installation Disk' (package INSGL3_3.exe)!
an4gl31a.exe (946 kB) Fire GL 3000: Drivers 'Windows NT 4.0 for ALPHA' v2.70, rel. 0197. Disk 1/2. SFX file. Copy all created files to an empty floppy.
an4gl31b.exe (1,1 MB) Fire GL 3000: Drivers 'Windows NT 4.0 for ALPHA' v2.70, rel. 0197. Disk 2/2. SFX file. Copy all created files to an empty floppy.
Drivers for Windows NT 3.5x:
nt3gl3_3.exe (1,2 MB) FIRE GL 3000: Disk 'Windows NT 3.5x drivers' v2.70, rel. 0197. SFX file. Copy all created file to an empty floppy. Requires 'Installation disk'(package INSGL3_3.exe)!
an3gl3_1.exe (1,0 MB) Fire GL 3000: Drivers 'Windows NT 3.5x for ALPHA' v2.70, rel. 0197. SFX file. Copy all created files to an empty floppy.
3dwgl3_3.exe (814 kB) FIRE GL Series: Disk '3D-WIN" v1.00c, rel. 0297. Diamond 3D-Visualisation Tool for AutoCAD 13 NT. SFX file.
bfwgl3_3.exe (304 kB) FIRE GL 3000: Disk 'BigFocus 13/Win drivers' v2.33, rel. 0197 for AutoCAD 13 WIN. SFX file. Copy all created file to an empty floppy. Requires 'Installation Disk' (package INSGL3_3.exe)!