DIAMOND Europe Driver Updates

Drivers & Tools for: SPEA CRUNCH IT ISA

Current Superdisk:

cit06961.exe (266 kB) SPEA Crunch It: Rel.0696. Disk 1/2: 'MCI Drivers for Win, Win 95'. SFX file. Start SETUP.
cit06962.exe (1,0 MB) SPEA Crunch It: Rel.0696. Disk 2/2: 'MCI Drivers for Win, Win 95'. SFX file.


cittest2.exe (45 kB) For SPEA CRUNCH IT: Updated test routine to test the CRUNCH IT hardware. SFX file. Note created CRITTEST.BAT!!
ciconnd1.exe (229 kB) Overview about all SPEA Crunch It connection possibilities (Cinch, BNC, SCART, ..), rel. 0895.1, german. šbersicht ber alle Anschlussmoeglichkeiten bei der SPEA Crunch It, Stand 0895.1, deutsch.
crnit3.exe (218 kB) PRODINFO (deu, eng): SPEA CRUNCH IT. Technical details. In WinWord 6.0 format. SFX file. Release 1095.

Video Maestro Updates:

vmu0196d.exe (1,0 MB) For CRUNCH IT only: Video Maestro Update v1.01, rel.0196, German. Incl. Editor/ Capturing. SFX file. Copy created files/directories onto disk, run SETUP.
vmu0196e.exe (1,0 MB) For CRUNCH IT only: Video Maestro Update v1.01, rel.0196, English. Incl. Editor/ Capturing. SFX file. Copy created files/directories onto disk, run SETUP.